En blogg från c.nu

The Recourse To Violence

1 december, 2020 - 3:36Inga kommentarer

The killing of rationalists, questioning the credibility of each member of “award wapasi” protests, suppressing independent voices of dissent and targeting students who in any society are usually the most rebellious, blatantly communal and poisonous comments China wholesale Non-woven anti-aging fabric by leaders of fringe Hindutva groups as well as some elected ruling party members, all seem to be becoming a part of the everyday reality of “New India”. What was earlier dismissed as “fringe elements” are now gaining ground, and moving towards occupying the central space of discourse.

People have been put behind bars for comments far less offensive. The social media is one platform that is being used effectively by ordinary citizens to raise their concerns and to protest against such atrocities.. The “Not in My Name’ protests organised in different part of the country by concerned citizens saw massive participation.It is said that if a frog is put in tepid water and then the temperature of the water is raised slowly, bringing it to boil, the frog will not jump out or try to escape the boiling water. The scary part of this narrative is that the peripheral is gradually being merged into the mainstream.

That the people of India are not frogs, they are human and humane. The vicious atmosphere of hate blinds some people to such an extent that reason and perspective becomes the first casualty. He has neither been removed from his post nor arrested for making such threatening statements. In the Padmavati row, for instance, a lady from Rajasthan, herself a Rajput, emphatically spoke out against the movement and the recourse to violence by the Karni Sena, clearly declaring that the Karni Sena doesn’t represent the sentiments of all Rajputs. First, the credentials of those who adhere to secular values are questioned, calling them “pseudo-seculars”; and then disparaged as “sickular”, now not only is secularism being trashed openly, but it’s almost become a term of abuse.


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